
Clean ups show us the reality of Singapore’s litter landscape. Get an hour of exercise in, make some friends and do good in the process with Stridy!

What is a Beach Clean Up?

Simply put, it is cleaning up at the beach! Typically self-organised and voluntary to remove litter, debris, and pollutants from coastal areas, including beaches and shorelines. Large quantities of disposable plastic tend to find their way to the beaches of Singapore between the monsoon months.

Marine species including fish, seabirds, and marine mammals, can become entangled in or ingest marine debris, leading to injury, suffocation, or death. Filter feeders cannot distinguish between natural food and marine litter and end up consuming plastic that fills their belly, preventing food and nutrition from entering their bodies and living a long healthy life.

Larger marine litter can damage and destroy critical habitats such as coral reefs, mangroves, and seagrasses. By removing litter, we protect these vital ecosystems and the numerous species that rely on them for survival.

Over time, larger plastic items break down into smaller particles known as microplastics. These microplastics can enter the food chain, impacting not only marine life but also posing potential risks to human health. The cleanup of marine litter serves as a preventive measure, mitigating the further proliferation of microplastics within the environment.

When the tide timings allow, it is the perfect opportunity to conduct beach cleanups during low tides.

Our Mission

At Stridy, we envision a world without litter. Stridy is made out of volunteers from all over the world, passionate in playing our part for clean cities. By making cleanups fun, we are one piece of litter closer to our goal be it at the beach or urban areas.

We want to bring together a bunch of folks who care about waste management worldwide. When we all pull our individual actions together, we create big, positive differences in our world by reducing marine pollution, reserving wildlife habitats and promoting community involvement.

What are the Personal Benefits of a Cleanup?

What are the Environmental Benefits of a Cleanup?

  1. Get some fresh air

  2. ⁠Make some friends

  3. ⁠Apparently very therapeutic!

  1. Preventing litter from entering the marine ecosystem

  2. ⁠Have awareness on the litter landscape to answer the question “is Singapore clean or cleanED?”

  3. Protect ourselves from dengue by reducing potential dengue hotspots

Educational Sustainability Programme in Singapore

We provide the following educational programs:

  • Clean ups

  • Design-thinking workshops

  • Booth engagements

  • Educational talks (virtual or physical)

  • Community clean ups (*Free!)

Clean Ups

Includes: Stridy introduction, cleaning up (beach/urban), reflection on human behaviours and coastal conservation

Duration: 2 hours

Minimum participants: 20

Provided: Equipment, first aid kits

Venue: Organisations may propose. Typical venues include East Coast Park, or around your office/school

Design-thinking workshops

Duration: 2 hours

Minimum participants: 20

Venue: Organisations may propose. Typical workshop venues include your office/school assembly hall or virtually

Booth engagements

Duration: 2 hours

Venue: Organisations to propose

Project Blue Wave Eco Festival Booth

Educational talks (physical or virtual)

Duration: 1 hour

Venue: Organisations may propose a location! Typical talk venues include your office/school assembly hall or virtually

Topics include:

  • Introduction to Sustainability

  • Singapore’s Waste Management

  • Recycling in Singapore

Community Clean Ups (*Free!)

Simply sign up on our event page and get updates prior to event day. Grabbers, hoops and trash bags are completely free. We also issue digital certificates of participation!

If you’d like to organise 1 yourself, we can support you too!

How to get involved

Simply drop us a message us via our contact form with your name, name of organisation, tentative date, proposed clean up location and rough number of participants.

What do you need to bring to an event?

  • A cap, insect repellent and sunblock
  • An umbrella/ poncho in event of inclement weather
  • Wear comfortable clothing with covered shoes

Do's and Don'ts

Things to do

  • Pick up trash – plastic, metal, glass materials
  • Leave the leaves, branches, twigs or any other organic matter behind. Let nature do its course!
  • Remember to hydrate yourself continuously
  • If you come across dead animals, call the National Environment Agency (1800 2255 632) to remove the carcass
  • Try displacing animals living on litter them before throwing it away!
  • Use the Stridy App to log your litter picking activity and share your efforts with the community

Things to avoid

  • Picking up sharp objects like broken glass, syringes, razors to prevent the bags from getting torn (and trash falling out) or hurt yourself!

  • Keep bottles containing unidentified liquids closed before throwing!

  • Wearing open toe shoes or going barefoot

  • Do not bring home any natural organisms like shells from your coastal cleanup

Beyond the Beach: Urban Clean-Up

Beach clean ups can only curb marine pollution temporarily. The unfortunate truth is that litter found in our living environments unfortunately end up in our oceans. If you find doing a coastal cleanup too far, cleaning up in your neighbourhood is a great idea. Save traveling time and carbon emissions. Resistance like “its too far” and “I have no time” simply melt away!

Our Impact

Since the launch of our Stridy App in 2021, there’s been more than 4,600 cleanups logged and more than 621,000 items picked worldwide! Visit Community Impact Dashboard to explore more.

With the Stridy App, you will be able to:

  • Contribute in data collection of litter collected anywhere in the world

  • See your consolidated impact

  • Save your historical efforts


We’re mostly prepared for Singapore’s weather, so we have various plans. We proceed with light rain and can reshuffle the program to accommodate heavy downpour.

We recommend going outdoors in the morning as afternoon showers seem to be longer and heavier based on past events.

Corporate clean ups are private. Community clean ups are free to anyone to participate!

Cigarette butts, plastic bottles, plastic bags, face masks, cans, old ABBA CDs, abandoned bicycles etc… Join us to be the first to discover the weirdest types of trash!

As of now, most of our trash is disposed in the General Waste bin. So far, recyclables that we have picked up during the stride are too dirty to be recycled. We’re looking for ways to recycle any recyclables. Do reach out to us if you have any ideas!

Not really! We would encourage parents to watch after your children below the age of 6 years old!

Didn’t answer your question? Ask us at!

Have Questions About Joining Our Beach Clean-Up Programme? We’re Here to Help – Reach Out Today!

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